memory lane nite club
March/11/05 is College Nite
Hip Hop/Top 40 Dance Club Music
Neon Laser Light Show
Big Screen Videos


Memory Lane
Rt-61 across from Quality Hotel

No cover before 10:00pm

Friday Nite 03/04/2005 @Memory Lane in Pottsville,Pa was a much better start then expected.The age group was diversifed ranging from 21-35.Music consited of 80% Hip Hop & Billboard Top40 club,+ new & older rock,80s & techno.There was a constant turn around of people due to people leaving and returning.There was a 20% turnout with the PVA crew and the rest were new faces.Many of the tables were removed which accounted for a much larger dance floor.Videos were available thur the nite with Vj Frank. Next week we will return 50% of the table so people wanting to sit down will have this option.

This week is College Nite March/11th/05 with no cover for the ladies all nite long and no cover for college students with college ID.We will feature a Bikini & Thong Contest for the ladies with cash prizes for 1st,2nd & 3rd places plus a Hard Body contest for the guys with prizes for 1st,2nd & 3rd places.As always no cover before 10pm. Hope to see ya all this Friday,11th @memory Lane.
Hope to see you all next week. As always no cover before 10:00pm

Thanks gang for supporting the Friday Nite Thunder Dance Party @Memory Lane.

PS:Pictures sent to a photo lab due to insufficient lighting and will be posted A.S.A.P

Directions for Memory Lane

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